woensdag 22 juni 2011


Hi everyone,

I want to write about historical research methods. This is because I’m writing an essay about the history of the Lijnbaan (part of the shopping centre Rottedam) and I was struggling how to deal with the sources I’m using. And that’s why my problem stating is like this:

Historical research is part of the interpretive research methods and it is based on narrative or emplotment. It is a quantitative and that’s why it brings up the consideration about the verification of this kind of research. L. Groat and David Wang wrote three weaknesses of this kind of quantitative research. The first is the dependence upon emplotment an literary construction. Second is the lack of empirically objecting of inquiry for observation. The last contains the flexibility of the guideline for this kind of research. (Groat, Wang 2002)

In my essay I want to bring up this issue about (architectural) historical research and want to elaborate the different kind of methods for Historical research compared to the tree weaknesses of Groat and Wang.

Feel free to comment on this issue, also if you know some literatuur on this topic I would be very happy!

My best,


3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi!

    I just want to say that I got an old 'Forum' last weekend, with a description of the work of Broek and Bakema by Van Tijen and a reaction by themselves.
    Could be interesting to compare with other historical sources to distinguish historical facts and the specific problems of a historical description. Furtermore I would talk to Wouter Vanstiphout, who wrote his dissertion on Bakema (see the book Maak een stad). He's in on mondays and tuesdays.



  2. Hi David,

    Which Forum is it? I can't use it anymore for this essay but for my history thesis can it be interesting! So if you wrote down or rememeber which it was I'd like to hear it!


  3. Het is FORUM 6/1957. Nogmaals; het is een algemene beschouwing, dus niet specifiek de Lijnbaan, maar wel interessant om even door te nemen.
    Ik heb 'm voor je (mail naar d.struik(at)student.tudelft.nl), maar hij is vast ook op Bouwkunde of in het NAi te vinden.

    Fijne vakantie!
